Did you know I’m going to be a vendor for the first time at an antique/makers market? You may have seen sneak peeks in my Instagram stories, but I wanted to take you behind the scenes and share some tips I’ve learned along the way. First things first, I am thrilled to welcome you to Our Home and Heritage’s newest adventure that is both exciting and close to our hearts. (As you may know, Our Home and Heritage is a place where the past meets the present. Here we’re preserving and sharing over 150 years of simple living from the garden and pasture to the farmhouse and kitchen.)
antique and vintage baskets, crocks, cow bell and glass

Allow me to introduce you to

The Findry Logo with a rhododendron in the background

A thoughtfully gathered collection of seasonal antique and vintage household items that celebrate the beauty, craftsmanship, and enduring charm of a bygone era.

woman with antique pitcher of fresh greenery in front of cupboard with antique kitchen decorations

When God Opens Doors

As we step into this new journey, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of excitement and anticipation. Becoming a vendor at an antique market is a dream I’ve had for a long time but had never taken any steps toward making it a reality. Honestly, I didn’t even know where to begin.

Early this spring I was presented with an offer to be a vendor at Lesterloot’s Spring Market. The sweet host, Rachel, had been following me on Instagram and reached out to me, wondering if I had ever sold any of my antique and vintage collected pieces before as a vendor. I will admit, I was hesitant at first. Before anything else I am a wife and mom of two, and then a blogger. I just didn’t know if I’d be able to make it work.

I ultimately declined joining the Spring market. I would have only had a couple months to collect items and it just did not feel like the right fit at that time.

Fast forward to May and Rachel reached out again to join her for Lesterloot’s Fall Market. Becoming a vendor had been on my heart and I took this as a little sign from God to take the next step. It’s something special to have God place a dream on your heart and then out of nowhere allow doors to open to make it happen.

The Love For All Things Old

Let me to take a moment to share with you just how deeply rooted my love for antique and vintage items go. This connection runs far deeper than aesthetics; it’s a lifelong fascination that has shaped my perspective on craftsmanship, history, and the enduring appeal of objects from days gone by.

family heirloom laundry basket on table

My Roots

From my earliest memories, I was surrounded by the magic of the past. My family’s old homeplace on our multi-generation farmland was a place where history came alive.

The living room was once a one-room schoolhouse which dates beyond our recognition. It has the original stone hearth fireplace, built-in bookshelves and hand-hewn logs behind the old wood paneling. I was captivated by the stories woven into every heirloom and antique treasure within its walls – the dining table that always seemed to seat just one more no matter who dropped in at supper time, the old dough bowl my great-grandma made bread from and the one I used when I learned to make bread, the antique ironstone dishes that had graced generations of family gatherings, and my great-grandma’s laundry basket, pictured above.

These items; they were gateways to another time, each holding a piece of the puzzle that was my family’s history. The sense of continuity, of being a part of a larger narrative, left an indelible mark on me. I grew to appreciate the craftsmanship and attention to detail that characterized these objects, which, despite the passage of time, remained as beautiful and functional as ever.

Creating Cozy, Collected Spaces

In the heart of our 1908 Victorian farmhouse, I have found so much joy in creating simple, cozy, and collected spaces for our family. Making our farmhouse into a home is a task I hold dear, and it’s one where antique and vintage items have played a role in crafting that oh-so-special feeling of home.

Our home has been thoughtfully put together by pairing the old with the new, merging heirlooms with our modern everyday elements, and weaving a tapestry of stories within it’s walls.

corner in farmhouse dining room of collected antiques
how to decorate with family heirlooms showing antique laundry basket

The Heritage Home: How To Decorate With Family Heirlooms (6 Exclusive Tips)

Are you wanting to bring the beauty of your family heirlooms into your home decor but uncertain about where to begin? Do you want to create a space that not only reflects your personal style but also honors your heritage? Look no further! Welcome to our captivating series, The Heritage Home. Here we’re bringing you all you need to know on how to decorate with family heirlooms.

Crafting The Findry: Turning Antique Love Into A Thoughtfully Gathered Collection

The Findry emerged as a natural extension of my deep-rooted love for antique and vintage items, a passion that had become an integral part of my identity. As I ventured into adulthood, my fascination with these treasures only grew stronger. I found myself drawn to antique shops, estate sales, and flea markets, forever in search of that next hidden gem with a story to tell. It was a calling I couldn’t ignore, a thread that intricately wove its way through the fabric of my life.

With each vintage find, I discovered more than just objects. I uncovered pieces of history, artistry, and the human spirit. These finds carried the echoes of generations, whispered tales of forgotten eras, and captured a charm that transcended time. My home became a testament to these discoveries, a canvas where the beauty of the past was interwoven with the present.

And then, the idea of The Findry was born—a place where I could share the wonder, nostalgia, and admiration I felt for antique and vintage items with kindred spirits like you.

Our Goal Is Simple

Our goal is to be a source of inspiration as you create a space that resonates with your soul. We want to help you find those pieces that bring you joy, that connect you to the past, and that reflect your values. Whether it’s a vintage quilt that adds warmth to your bedroom, a weathered chest that becomes the centerpiece of your living room, or a collection of antique ironstone that graces your dining table, we aspire to be a part of your home’s narrative.

As you explore Our Home and Heritage and The Findry, I hope you’ll find not just items but stories waiting to be told, memories waiting to be made, and a sense of joy in curating a space that feels uniquely your own. Together, let’s celebrate the art of intentional living and find beauty in the past while creating a future filled with cherished moments.

The Joy of Sharing Gathered Finds

There’s a profound joy that comes from discovering and uncovering hidden gems that carry the echoes of another time. But there’s an even greater thrill in sharing these treasures with others. It’s a joy that’s at the heart of Our Home and Heritage and The Findry.

collection of antique ironstone and vintage glassware

The excitement of being able to share my carefully curated finds with you is indescribable. Each piece in The Findry’s collection has been handpicked with love, selected for its beauty, history, and the stories it holds. It’s like unearthing a piece of lost history, and the anticipation of introducing these treasures to kindred spirits like you fills my cup.

But it’s not just about the items themselves; it’s about the stories they can help you tell. It’s about inspiring and sparking joy in others to create beautiful and intentional homes. It’s the belief that your living spaces can be a canvas for your own unique story, filled with the values, memories, and beauty of a gathered cozy home.

6 First Steps To Consider When Becoming An Antique Vendor For A Small Market

  1. Market Research and Education:
    • Study the antique market and understand local small markets.
    • Learn about antiques, their history, and current market trends.
  2. Business Plan and Legal Requirements:
    • Create a business plan outlining your goals, budget, and strategy.
    • Ensure you comply with any necessary permits or licenses.
  3. Inventory and Authentication:
    • Source antiques from various places.
    • Learn how to authenticate items and assess their value accurately.
  4. Display and Marketing:
    • Plan an attractive booth setup.
    • Develop branding, create an online presence, and consider social media marketing.
  5. Pricing and Customer Skills:
    • Set competitive prices for your items.
    • Hone your negotiation and customer service skills.
  6. Market Participation and Adaptation:
    • Apply for market space, following event rules and requirements.
    • Collect feedback and adapt your inventory and strategies accordingly.
collection of antique enamelware

Insights and Tips I’ve Learned Along The Way So Far

Here are a few insights and tips I’ve gathered along the way so far. I have researched and tried to learn as much as I can before my first antique market as a vendor. I am excited to continue learning and gaining wisdom as I go.

1. The Art of Curating

The Art of Curating encompasses the meticulous selection of antique items that strike a harmonious balance between personal passion and market demand. It’s a delicate dance that involves choosing items that genuinely resonate with the vendor’s own heartfelt enthusiasm while also ensuring they possess broad appeal to potential buyers. This process entails not only a keen eye for unique and captivating pieces but also a deep understanding of the preferences and trends within the antique market. Successful curation is the foundation upon which a vendor builds their distinct identity and fosters a connection with customers who share their appreciation for the treasures of the past.

2. Storytelling Matters

Storytelling Matters is the understanding that each antique item has a story, and sharing these with customers can create a deeper connection and appreciation. It involves going deeper into the history, origins, and past lives of these items (if possible), then skillfully conveying these tales to customers. Such storytelling not only fosters a profound connection between buyers and the items they acquire but also cultivates a deeper appreciation for the craftsmanship, historical significance, and sentimental value encapsulated within each piece. In essence, it transforms mere objects into cherished keepsakes with rich, captivating histories, enriching the overall antique shopping experience.

3. Research is Key

The necessity of thorough research to authenticate items, understand their history, and determine their market value. It involves a meticulous examination of each item, including authentication, delving into its historical context, and assessing its market value. This process not only ensures the accuracy of item descriptions but also equips vendors with the knowledge needed to engage with customers effectively. By offering well-researched items, vendors can instill confidence in buyers and establish themselves as trustworthy sources of authentic and valuable antique treasures.”

4. Pricing Strategy

Pricing Strategy is the art of setting prices that strike a balance between reflecting an item’s true value and aligning with current market trends. It requires an understanding of both the unique qualities of each antique piece and the broader pricing landscape. By determining prices that are not only reasonable but also competitive, vendors ensure that their offerings resonate with buyers, while also honoring the inherent worth and historical significance of the items. This strategic approach allows antique vendors to navigate the market effectively and cultivate trust among their customers.

collection of antique enamelware

Bonus Tip!

Quality over Quantity: Realizing that having a few exceptional items is often more impactful than having a large but mediocre inventory.

Join Us At The Market

We’re thrilled to invite you to join us at the upcoming antique/maker’s market – Lesterloot’s Fall Market! It’s an event that promises to be brimming with antique and vintage pieces, and one-of-a-kind finds. We can’t wait to share the day with you.

Lesterloot's Fall Market scene of vendor tents set up

(If you’re reading this after the market, check out our Instagram for any upcoming market dates!)

Date: September 23, 2023

Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Location: 6625 Port Republic Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

We’re genuinely excited about the opportunity to meet y’all! So, mark the date on your calendar, gather your friends and family, and make your way to the antique market!

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